
it's almost here...

Well, I've got the book, and it will be ready for orders in just a few days!

In about a week, you'll be able to order REJECTS, my first book on the art of caricature. Don't forget to drop by the site (click over there on the right!) and give me your email, so I can remind you and give you personal updates.

On a different topic, I received a comment that would be better suited up front, about Dixon Markettes:

"hey guys, i just wanted to let you know that there's a place in Canada that'll ship Dixon Markette markers to the states. Best of all they're 1.75 each (versus the 2.85 from Art Systems mentioned by joe in a previous post). I called Art Systems and they were out of markettes) theyre called IRL Supplies and can be reached toll free at 1800-663-6843 ... je."

Thanks for the tip, "je" - I hope it helps everyone out. That's a great price!