
REJECTS rejects

While preparing the book, REJECTS, I'm coming across images intended for print, yet I'm throwing out now for various reasons. I'll post them here for a little taste of what was rejected from REJECTS. I should have at least a couple each month until the book comes out.

- - - REJECTS REJECT - - -

I'm also learning and practicing modeling heads in Softimage XSI at work. There is a LOT to learn, and it's exciting. Here's one day's work from one of my own drawings. Still in the early stages, but you can see how this would be fun.


Piotr said...

awesome! joe is going into 3d, now we're in trouble!

Unknown said...

3D donald rumsfeld!!! yaaaay! =D

Irene said...

Your rejects do not look like rejects! They're wonderfully done! You are highly talented. I'm glad I stumbled across your site. c",)

chris chUa! said...

man, hurry up with that Rejects book! can't wait! your work rules!

The Hurricane said...


The Hurricane said...


Alexiev said...

Great 3D

Chris Wahl said...

Hey Joe.

Have your ever tried 3D modelling in Zbrush?

Check it out and download the demo from Pixologic, for modelling caricatures it would be perfect.

Anonymous said...

Looks very very exciting and tons of fun! That job is perfect for you!

Gabriel Hunt said...

Do you hafta be good at everything? Focker.

Joe Bluhm said...

Thanks, y'all (even Gaber). I'm enjoying the 3d, and SLOWLY learning. I have Zbrush at work and expect to use it soon. I'll post about it here when it happens.

Gabriel Hunt said...

You're Welcome!