
In the wild (mid)WEST (updated 2-19-7)

I just got back from an amazing time at the Midwest Caricature Gathering in Bowling Green, OH - a sort of "mini caricature convnetion" organized by a few NCN members. It was amazing, and had just as much energy as the full-blown annual caricature conventions. I was very impressed with the organizing and the energy, and I hope they make it an annual event.

At these gatherings, we're pretty much given most of the time to create our own inspired caricatures. In their fun competition, I was awarded 3rd place 'midwest caricaturist of the year' aka the BRONZE COW... 3rd place 'midwest caricature of the year' and 'guest of honor award'. It felt great to draw entirely for myself again, and I'll post some more images here soon.


The Hurricane said...

nice saaaayrah and judddy judokins!!!...
awesome jose cuervoooooooooo! ;o)

Cedricstudio said...

Sounds like a fun time, and judging by this example you certainly enjoyed yourself. Terrific caricature!!!

Nelson Santos said...

Great! Pitty the fuzzy pic but whe got the whole idea :). Wish i was there too. Cheers man.

Nate said...

man, that is really, really on the money, i wish i could have been there at the con, cant wait to see more post

Keelan Parham said...

Coolness! C-ya soon, buddy!

Unknown said...

Great work!

Very funny!

Unknown said...

next time partner- I'ma come shootn!

Ryan Wood said...

Great stuff, that Tad sketch is amazing!

Marco Bucci said...

Man, the one of Sarah and Joey at the bottom is probably my favourite marker/prisma sketch I've seen from you. You've reached quite a high level of balancing exaggeration, likeness, and appeal.

Jeff Pecina said...

the one of sarah is so differnt from the way everyone has drawn her.
thats awesome man.