
Ron Paul

He's called "Dr. No" for his vote against excess spending. He's called the "Tax Payer's Best Friend" for his solid stance against both raising taxes and the IRS. He's called "The Champion of the Constitution" for his fight to preserve the integrity of the founding fathers of America.

Ron Paul has not dropped out of the race for president and will be attending the Republican National Convention with plenty of support. If you are tired of the usual candidates, this is a man still worth learning from. If nothing else, his book "The Revolution: A Manifesto" is an amazing read with plenty of history and a refreshing take on our founding fathers and the current state of the United States, with a perspective of true 'change' worth pursuing.

I did this small marker sketch back when Dr. Ron Paul still had a chance to initially capture enough delegates for the Republican presidential nomination. Even if you don't agree with his rare (for today's standards) stances, it's easy to see that we need more sincere and consistent politicians like Ron Paul.


Craig Zablo said...

Well said and well done!

000000 said...

Great sketch, but I'm not going to vote for someone that tries to denounce the theory of evolution. Ron Paul is an idiot in my book.

Joe Bluhm said...

Thanks for the compliment on the sketch, Billy.

If you check the record, you'll see that Ron Paul dismissed the theory of evolution as a THEORY. An accurate terminology that he wished to be taught in schools, and one that he clearly noted is not an important issue to dwell upon. For the record, it technically IS a theory, and he did not denounce it.

000000 said...

Defintely, Joe. I'm always checking out your stuff.

Joe Bluhm said...

You do great work too, Billy. I hope you understand that I wasn't saying "vote Ron Paul" on that post - just saying that the constitution and personal liberty is cool, and he's one of the few that consistently represents it with both his words and actions. :)

Thanks for reading the blog- I hope you keep checking in.

000000 said...

Yeah, peace...

hold on, wait for it...


smily achieved!

Anonymous said...

I guess everyone has their opinions on our candidates. I don't see how someone who so closely follows the constitution and the words of our founding fathers and fights so hard for our liberties is an "idiot."

I've never known anyone who places evolution as their number one issue. I figured our tanking dollar, our overspending and our high taxes would be more important when running a society. Evolution doesn't really matter when balancing a budget (something at which our country continues to fail).

Blake in Madison said...

As a progressive I only agree with Paul about half the time but I think his voice is important, especially in his party. I just drew a caricature of Paul the I'm pretty proud of, then I google-image-searched for "ron paul caricature". There are very few where one could actually identify who was being depicted!?!? But yours is great! Good work.