
Salvador Dali warmup sketch

This was about 45 minutes this morning in Photoshop.

I was contemplating his mustache and decided to omit it from this sketch. I like the mystery of it... the humanity, rather than a 'character' that he always put on. He was so eccentric and character-like, and a large part of that was his 'costume', props, poses, expressions and his trademark mustache. I liked the idea of showing the human. Not hiding the expression though. He's so pensive, surely, while painting, I didn't want it to be mistaken for an 'artist' pose. This is somewhere in between, and I enjoy the simplicity of taking away his mustache.

This could almost be a death mask.



Seo Kim said...

whoa... awesome expression.

Aaron Wilkin said...

Hey....great blog!!!!! The Dali painting is looking very cool!!!! I guess this is a portrait after someone stole his moustache?

Joe Bluhm said...
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Will Appledorn said...

love those chunky, chalk-like brushstrokes.

very cool portrait.

Meesimo said...

Wow that guy looks like Dali without his mustache...oh I see:) Nice one dude, love the expression and palette.

Unknown said...

that's a real powerful glare he has. love the execution

Anonymous said...

Two words: Bitchin'.