On January 1st, most likely while you and I were still asleep from the previous night's celebration, my hard-working enthusiastic friend was setting up to work at Universal Studios ISLANDS of ADVENTURE, drawing caricatures. He loves art, he loves life, he loves animals, he loves his wife and friends, and he definitely loves making people laugh with his wonderful drawings, every day for over 25 years.
On this morning, however, Glenn did not get the chance to share his love with others, as an angry and disturbed (former?) coworker arrived, chased Glenn, then stabbed him multiple times with a pair of scissors. Glenn was taken to the hospital and the other person was apprehended (is now facing the most severe charges possible).
Fortunately Glenn is alive today (at the time this is written). Unfortunately, he had his brain pierced, and underwent hours and hours of very delicate and difficult surgery. The latest news is that they will keep him sedated until swelling is down, and it is only a matter of time before we know the extent of permanent damage.
I am writing this to implore that you do what you can. Glenn is part of (and one of the most admired and loved members of) the International Society of Caricature Artists (ISCA), where he has won nearly every award multiple times, including the 'Golden Nosey', the artist of the year award. Glenn served the organization with myself and others, as Vice President for many years and with many different Presidents. He could have been President, and was implored to do so, but it is one of many testaments to Glenn's character that he chose to play 2nd fiddle, the entire time. He knew where the hard work was needed, he knew that attention and title didn't matter, and all he wanted was to give back, plan conventions, help elevate and expose the artform to the world. There are SO many good examples of how giving and kind a person Glenn is, but I'll just share one personal story:
Glenn and his wife, JoAnn, also let me into their home. Over 10 years ago, over a personal matter, I was asked to leave my friend's house, where I lived. I had no place to go, no car, little money, and two jobs to keep. Glenn and JoAnn generously offered for me to stay in their spare room, going out of their way to prep it and help me get what I needed. Glenn let me use his drawing table and supplies while he used the kitchen table. They fed me, drove me to work, helped with my bills, and were patient when I put dirty tuna cans in the garbage, without cleaning them (haha, sorry JoAnn).
Glenn and JoAnn opening their home to young artists as they often did. Here, we gathered to watch an inspiring documentary which we all wanted (but were poor) and Glenn procured for the group.
I want to say it again, because my heart aches today; they asked for NOTHING and gave me EVERYTHING. I have no doubt they've done this for MANY others, over many years.
Now they need help.
If you can take a moment and donate what you have to offer, it will be appreciated more than you can imagine. Between lost income on the road ahead, medical bills soon to come, and other setbacks which we don't yet know -- they need a loving hand right now. And this is also a couple who offer such karma to the universe that I feel they deserve all the help and love there is to spare. And if you are a praying person, they could use that right now. I think of what I will spend money on in the coming months: a meal out, some clothing, a new pair of boots... I can go without those, and then some. Glenn needs it much much more.
Thanks for reading. I hope you all hug your loved ones and spread love and peace. ❤
I don't know Glenn personally, but I happen to be friends with two of his friends in Texas. I have heard great things about him. Your description of his loving nature is beautifully written. We are sending love and healing energy from Texas!
I worked at UO from 1998 - 2007. I remember seeing Glenn working locations at both parks. While doing my rounds I'd linger as he was working on a sketch of a guest hoping to be there when he showed the finished work to the subject. It was always a thrill to see the reaction to his work. Although we never engaged in lengthy conversation, I enjoyed seeing him and watching his natural talent. I've made a contribution to the GoFundMe account and encourage all current and former UO Team Members to do the same. I wish for a speedy and complete recover to Glenn and peace and love to him and his family.
Thank you for writing such a wonderful tribute to Glenn and JoAnn. I'm praying for both and praying that every ISCA member and their artists friends contribute to the GoFundMe/GlennFerguson. Thank you again for your words.
What a lovely thing to say and do for a lovely family. Sending positive thoughts and all the best for a good recovery
Your art is amazing!!! :D
Here is my blog, hope you like and follow it :D
Hello, can you tell us please if Glenn is OK now? BTW your work is amazing.
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