
Sketchbook: crocodile

I am nearly obsessed with creatures and life... people, animals, and anything in between or near them. From one of my many animal encyclopedias, I've scribbled a little loose, exaggerated sketch of a fat-necked crocodile. When they gain weight, it looks great, as their body bloats out in the middle and near the head, then this long, clumsy, cartoon-like jaw points out of it. They are threatening animals that look far too comedic for their ominous threat.


Brian Churilla said...

Nice sketch. Great construction/shapes in there.

Ricardo Vsqz said...

That is one of the most beautifully exaggerated drawings of a Croc I've ever seen!!:)

Unknown said...

pretty cool man. but i wish you were still crankin out those old reject style caricatures haha. i study rejects everyday before i do caricatures at the wild animal park

Dave Dick said...

Cool sketch - love the neck bulge!

Anonymous said...

Just got my book today and this sketch was included with the book. Awesome stuff. Thanks for sharing!

ps. My cat loved it too and kept trying to lick the book. I have to keep it in a safe place away from his little tongue.